this image is of a maurizzo cattelan sculpture at the new museum in nyc. the exhibition is called after nature and exhibits artists who examine archaic traditions and whom have an interest in using art as a tool for mythmaking.
i selected the image because i've always thought the practice of taxidermy was strange and an amputated head always makes me think of what happens to the body when they do that. i also like the element of this huge horse being suspended above people creating an illusion of something that wouldnt possibly exist in nature.

I like the image because of the use of focus on the odwalla bottle and flowers and the intentional blur regarding the black female in the background. This is the only image they have of the work on the cleveland moca site but it works well in terms of summarizing the exhibit bio.

since we last spoke about monuments is a show going on in the netherlands. the work of the show seems to be about debating what is thought of as historical. this image is called "'Image of Absalon to Be Projected Until it Vanishes'', i think i like the notion that history and heroes are only important for as long as we remember them. people can do remarkable things but if nobody wants to talk about them or remember then that inevitably all those great and wonderful things and awful things will just become facts for assembling a history of anything. he was red or blue or good or bad and the details all stop mattering because when people die its easier not to debate but rather to finally get the chance to type cast or categorize them.